Bringing Global Governance Home: NGO Mediation in BRICS States, (co-authored with Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom), Oxford University Press, 2021.
Red to Green: Environmental Activism in Post-Soviet Russia, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010.
Ethnic Environmentalism in the Russian Regions: National Identity and Nature Protection” (with Svetlana Tulaeva and Yaroslav Snarksi), Europe-Asia Studies 76, 9 (2024): 1417–1438.
“Movement of Movements: Russian Activism in Exile and the Porous Political Opportunity Structure” (with Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom and Valerie Sperling), Mobilization 29, 3 (2024): 375–394.
“Everyday Activism” (with Samir Lemeš and Paula M. Pickering), pp. 111-135. In Patrice McMahon, Paula Pickering, and Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves, eds., People Power: Activism in Hard Times in Central and Eastern Europe, Routledge, 2024.
“Russia in a Changing Climate” (with Javeline, D., Orttung, R., Robertson, G., Arnold, R., Barnes, A., Henry, L., Holland, E., Omelicheva, M., Rutland, P., Schatz, E., Schenk, C., Semenov, A., Sperling, V., McIntosh Sundstrom, L., Troitskiy, M., Twigg, J., & Wengle, S.), WIREs Climate Change, 15(2) (2023): e872
“Liberal Spaces in an Illiberal Regime: Environmental NGOs, State Sovereignty, and the Struggle for Nature” (with Maria Tysiachniouk, Juha Kotilainen, and Svetlana Tulaeva), Territory, Politics, Governance (2023): 1-20.
“The Evolution of Civic Activism in Contemporary Russia,” (with Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom and Valerie Sperling), East European Politics and Societies 36, 4 (2022): 1377–1399.
“Activism in Exile: How Russian Environmentalists Maintain Voice After Exit,” (with Elizabeth Plantan), Post-Soviet Affairs 38, 4 (2022): 274-292.
“Global Standards, Corporate Diagrams, and Indigenous Agency: ExxonMobil in Russia and Alaska,” (with Maria Tysiachniouk and Leah S. Horowitz), Arctic Review on Law and Politics 13 (2022): 1-31.
“The Politics of the Environment in Russia: Extraction, Climate Change, and Indigenous Rights in the Russian Arctic.” In Susanne Wengle, ed., Russian Politics Today, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
“Changing Climates in Russia and China: NGOs and Transcalar Climate Advocacy in Authoritarian States” (with Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom), pp. 159-173. In Christopher L. Pallas and Elizabeth Bloodgood, eds., Beyond the Boomerang: From Transnational Advocacy Networks to Transcalar Advocacy in International Politics, University of Alabama Press, 2022.
“The Comparative Politics of Environmental Activism in Russia: Strategic Adaptation to Authoritarianism.” In Jeannie Sowers, Stacy D. VanDeveer, and Erika Weinthal, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Politics, New York, Oxford University Press, forthcoming. [Online version available here.]
“Varieties of Digital Authoritarianism: Analyzing Russia’s Approach to Internet Governance,” (with Laura H. Howells), Communist and Post-Communist Studies 54, 4 (2021): 1-27.
“People Power in Putin’s Russia: Social vs. Political Protests.” In Nathan Stoltzfus and Christopher Osmar, eds., The Power of Populism and People: Resistance and Protest in the Modern World, New York: Bloomsbury, 2021.
“Who Benefits? How Interest Convergence Shapes Benefit-Sharing and Indigenous Rights in Russia” (with Maria Tysiachniouk, Svetlana Tulaeva, and Leah S. Horowitz), Sustainability, 12, 21 (2020).
“Globalizing extraction and Indigenous rights in the Russian Arctic: The enduring role of the state in natural resource governance” (with Svetlana Tulaeva, Maria Tysiachniouk, and Leah Horowitz), Resources 8, 4 (2019), 179.
“NGO Participation in Global Governance Institutions: International and Domestic Drivers of Engagement” (with Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom, Carla Winston, and Priya Bala-Miller), Interest Groups and Advocacy 8, 3 (2019): 291–332.
“Benefit-Sharing in Russia’s Resource Extractive Industries: When Global Standards Meet Local Communities” (with Maria Tysiachniouk), Liikejuridiika: The Finnish Business Law Journal 2 (2019): 137-165.
“Civil Society under the Law ‘On Foreign Agents’: NGO Strategies and Network Transformation” (with Maria Tysiachniouk and Svetlana Tulaeva), Europe-Asia Studies 70, 4 (2018): 615-637. [A Russian language article based on the same data appears as “Стратегии экологических НПО в контексте принятия закона об иностранных агентах: игры с формальностью” in Laboratorium 3 (2017): 18-43.]
“Oil Extraction and Benefit Sharing in an Illiberal Context: The Nenets and Komi-Izhemtsi Indigenous Peoples in the Russian Arctic” (with Maria Tysiachniouk, Machiel Lamers, and Jan P.M. van Tatenhove), Society and Natural Resources 31, 5 (2018): 556-579.
“Russia's Environment and Environmental Movement,” pp. 275-301. In Michael L. Bressler, Understanding Contemporary Russia, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2018.
“The Uneven Response to Global Environmental Governance: Russia’s Contentious Politics of Forest Certification” (with Maria Tysiachniouk), Forest Policy and Economics 90 (May 2018): 97–105.
“Oil and indigenous people in sub-Arctic Russia: Rethinking equity and governance in benefit sharing agreements” (with Maria Tysiachniouk, Machiel Lamers, and Jan P.M. van Tatenhove), Energy Research and Social Science 37 (March 2018): 140-152.
“Private Forest Governance, Public Policy Impacts: The Forest Stewardship Council in Russia and Brazil” (with Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom), Forests 8, 11 (2017): 445.
“The State of Environmental Protection in the Russian Federation: A Review of the Post-Soviet Era” (with Joshua P. Newell), Eurasian Geography and Economics 57, 6 (2016): 779-801.
“Corporate Social Responsibility and the Oil Industry in the Russian Arctic: Global Norms and Neo-Paternalism” (with Soili Nysten-Haarala, Svetlana Tulaeva, and Maria Tysiachniouk), Europe-Asia Studies 68, 8 (2016): 1340-1368.
“Social Mobilization and the Strong State from the Soviets to Putin: Social Movements in Russia” (with Alfred B. Evans). In Guya Accornero and Olivier Fillieule, eds. Social Movement Studies in Europe: The State of the Art, Oxford: Berghan Books, 2016.